
the time is right

I've been in a love/hate threesome with my body and her lover, food. My history with food as been rather erratic. Binging was the basis of our relationship and starving was the cure I had for binging. However, that only gave me more of a desire for food. It really was a never ending cycle. So I've decided to stop. Recently. Abruptly. I have to stop. Restricting will be my new love and I plan to embrace it. I just need motivation to succeed. I have to succeed. I will.

This seems to be the perfect place for motivation. I've been reading about others that are in similar circumstances and it's been lovely. I want to comment and make myself acquainted but I can't until I catch up on their journals. It doesn't feel right to start by reading their latest entry instead of starting from the beginning. It makes me feel like I can understand them and it helps me to put myself in their writing. That perhaps I can mold myself with their choices.

I'm sorry. I promise to make myself known to you. I feel like such a stalker.