
I ended up calling in sick from work because I felt god awful this morning. It was mostly a sore throat but I felt ill. That's a problem because I tend to eat uncontrollably when I'm sick. This morning I had half a egg and cheese biscuit with a few hash browns. I couldn't tell you how many cups of juice I drank today, although it was v8 splash light. It's pretty low in calories for juice. My father also had the nerve to order Papa John's pizza. So my total is no where near 700 today. I'm thinking that it's closer to 1200.

At least I don't feel sick right now? All of the vitamin C must have actually worked. I'm glad to say that it looks as though I'll be able to make it for a weekend with S. It's been about a month since we've seen each other. I'm a horrible girlfriend. I'll admit that I didn't work hard to visit him, which I should have since his car has been out of commission for the past month (hence him not visiting me).

Although, it's supposed to snow all this weekend. I might get stuck at his place but I can't care right now. After all, if it's not one thing, it's another. I think this over when I'm 100% better.

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