
must stop the incoming boredom

Since I've finished with all of my grad schools apps, financial aid information, and traffic lawyer stuff (I forgot to mention that I recently got a speeding ticket for doing 85 on a 70. Not a good day.), I have a lot of time on my hands. You'd think that I'd use this time wisely (aka work out) but working out only takes up part of my time. Eating takes up the rest of the part. So I think I'll take some effort and try to get to know some of the girls in this community to keep myself busy while I try to find other things to do. I haven't really done my part to say hello and I regret that. So here's to me stepping up.

My insulin pump comes in the mail tomorrow. I'm a little excited about using it although not excited about having something hooked up to me at all times. I've even figured out a way to get away with not eating much and still having everything be ok with my doctors. The plan is to eat the same number of carbs that I have been (averaging 60-100 per day) but bumping up the amount of protein in my diet on paper. That way my doctors' won't be able to say anything about the low number of calories because the amount of protein that I've written in the forms will make it look like I've eaten more than enough (huge omelets for breakfast, plain chicken for lunch... at least on paper).

It should work out. I hope it works out.

Oh and my brother made brownies today. Funny how him coming home for his Spring Break is causing me to splurge on sweets. He has a huge sweet tooth and is hording a massive amount of chocolates and sweet cereals in the house (we never have that stuff here when he's at school).

So I C&S a bunch of the brownies. My dad thinks that I ate over half the brownies that were left.


1 comment:

  1. actually, its funny you said that about you and your b/f because i've been telling myself to look at it that way. I'll just pretend that he's my long distnce boyfriend and we're living temporarily in different places. somehow that makes it seem easier. but i'm used to sleeping beside him, and smelling him when I wake up (in a good way, haha!) and i'll miss him leaving the the toothpaste out on the counter. ah. i'm driving myself insane worrying about him, though, and he hasnt even left.

    you're right though, i definitely eat better when he isnt here.

    ps. it makes me laugh about your brother and brownies. i made brownies this weekend because I had horrible company and I COULD NOT stay out of them
