
bad with the food, good with the other stuff

Thanks for your comments ladies! They've inspired me to do better because this week was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. It was like a week long feeding frenzy with S. I basically couldn't seem to control myself. I was well aware of the kinds of food I was eating (which helped my feedings from being even worse). I was aware but I still ate while absolutely hating myself for eating it while I was eating it. I did weigh myself once during a random trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and while it didn't look good, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

I'll do a real weigh-in in the morning and then plan some damage control. I've already prepared myself for two work outs tomorrow (jogging and P90x after work), and I've planned a >600 calorie day.

All in all though, I had fun. It really was a good week and I was able to talk with S about his lack of ambition. I basically told him that I couldn't continue dating him if he continued muddling through life the way he has been. It really seemed to spur him into action but we'll see how long this lasts. I don't want to nag at him, or put him down, but I don't want him to graduate and be stuck wondering about his next move in life with no plans. Especially in an economy like this. I want him to do well and I want us to be able to support each other. I don't want to have to worry about him all the time.


But I think things will be ok.

Well, if I was in a plateau, I doubt I'm in one now. Maybe my metabolism sped up a little and I'll be able to lose weight faster. My friend is getting married in September. She's being annoyingly efficient with all the wedding planning. My problem is that she wants me to be a bridesmaid and she wants to order dresses pronto. This leaves me with the worry that my dress will be too big for me by the time the wedding day arrives. I do plan on continuing to lose weight (something that I neglected and will continue to neglect telling her.).

Maybe I'll order a size smaller. My only problem there is the possibility that I won't shrink at all... but I'm choosing to remain positive :)

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