
hell yeah?

I was really worried about the kinds of food that I was going to eat starting Friday until next weekend. S is coming over and that usually means that we eat out or cook really savory things if we eat in. So yeah, I was worried. But... S told me that he's been researching about me and that he admires how tough I am because he could never do what I do. I then mentioned, without thinking, that it's hard when he tells me that I don't eat enough, which makes me eat more, which then makes me feel like I ate too much.

S said that he was sorry and that he's going to stop.

Doesn't he know that he's enabling me?

No matter. I take it as a godsend that he isn't going to badger me anymore about how little I eat. I'll continue on with eating my 100 cals of cereal in the morning, with an almost nonexistent lunch, and a light dinner. While he's here, I'll only eat half my meal when we go out and give the other half to him. He's already planning on cooking me low calorie things while he's here.

I really do love S but he's too easy to fool sometimes.

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