
i hate my coworkers

Every inch of my body aches right now but I take it as a good sign of a good week (so far) of working out. The elliptical is magical. I encourage anyone who hasn't tried it to give it a go. Spin classes are pretty useful as well. It doesn't seem like a worthwhile work out at all at first but you feel it in the morning. I don't know how long I can keep this up but I hope I can do it indefinitely.

The only problem with all this is that my throat fucking hurts. It's a pain to work out with your throat burning and you practically gasping for water because of the burning. I worked through it. I don't know how wise that was since I'm really afraid that I'm getting sick. This weekend is Valentine's Day. What if I get sick? S will be disappointed. He's already told me that he's afraid that I'll be too sick to visit him. I know that I forgot to mention that we're in a long distance relationship. He goes to school about an hour and a half away from me but it's been difficult to find time to visit him because I've been so busy.

We communicate through the phone and workout together through Skype. Skype is a godsend.

And the reason that I could be sick is because of my idiot supervisor. She's sick. With whatever. All I know is that she comes into the room hacking away and blowing her nose without consideration for anyone else in the room. The rest of us have asked her if she's gone to the doctor's office but she claims that she just has a cold and that it'll end in two weeks so there's no need to go see a doctor? Part of me wishes she has some life threatening illness but then the other rational part of me knows that if she has something god awful, I'll most likely get it too. Inconsiderate bitch.

At any rate...

I'm taking vitamins and drinking water. I plan on sleep pretty early tonight so hopefully I'll be alright. Please let me be alright...

Tomorrow's calorie count will be below 700. I've planned at 620 so far. It's amazing how far you can stretch there. Egg beaters is the way to go.

1 comment:

  1. haha I love egg beaters! I need to get better at taking vitamins, and FYI - spin classes burn 800-1000 calories in an hour long class! no wonder your sore! good job! - tell your boss to take a hike.


