
unproductive day

I made it in the 40's today! But who knows how long it'll last since I had ice cream today. And chocolate cake batter. I was making cupcakes for my job since it's my turn to donate a sweet for the week (they claim it's too calm the staff and make them happy~). I resisted for a while and then went for the kill. I felt a little sick afterward, but since I ate so little all day, I tried not to feel bad.

My dad told me that I looked like I was losing a lot of weight. It made me nervous. My boyfriend told me that I need to eat more. I shrugged it off. My coworker was talking about her weight today and then laughed saying that if other people would hear us, they'd tell us to shut up since we're so skinny. I couldn't do anything but stare at her before smiling to have her stop looking at me.

I don't want to be compared to her. I don't want hips like hers.

I'm losing weight but I don't see the difference. I've lost at least 25 pounds in the last six months and I can't see the difference. Maybe a little more will make it show?

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. It's super nerve racking to have people notice (even though it feels amazing too). I'm always afraid of people catching on because I don't want to stop...I never want to stop :) Good luck lady!
