
i'm so sleepy right now

I had to put my life on hold this weekend for S. His uncle died and he was pretty broken up about it. I've never heard him cry so hard before so I made the decision to drop the plans that I had with friends for the weekend to be there for him. It was a fun weekend. I made sure to plan things that would keep his mind off of his loss. S told me that he was happy I came. I think that makes this weekend a success.

Food-wise, I could have done worse. We had Japanese on Saturday (Rice, grilled chicken, and mixed veggies) and shared a small bag of popcorn while we watched a movie. It wasn't bad at all. Especially seeing as I only had 100 calories worth of milk and cereal before I came over. Today I told S that I was going to get breakfast on the way back home but I didn't end up doing that since it felt like a hassle. So I ate more cereal when I got back home since I didn't feel like cooking anything.

Apparently, cereal is my life. Full of vitamins and and so easy to prepare.

Also, I cut my hair. It's kind of a long bob with a bit of layering going on here and there. According to my hairdresser, the state of my hair was horrendous and I needed to do some major pruning in order to get it back into shape. I really don't mind it. I was actually planning on getting it cut shorter anyway. This just motivates me to be consistent with my vitamin regiment so that my hair can grow stronger. I've gotten comments on how it matches my new "skinny look". I'm 146 pounds now. I wouldn't say that I've achieved a skinny look.

I wanted to start the liquid fast tomorrow but then I remembered that I promised one of my coworkers that I'd eat lunch with her on Tueday. I have to at least eat something small. The place that she picked definitely will not have a healthy soup. So the plan is to do a liquid fasting tomorrow, only eat lunch on Tuesday, and then continue on with the liquid fast on Wednesday. I think that will work.

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