
stop smothering me

I've neglected to mention this before but my scale is out of commission. I've been searching around for a new one but as with everything, I refuse to buy anything until I'm sure that it's the best possible. This always happens. My cellphone has been on its last leg for about two months but because new and better phones are always being released, I keep delaying my inevitable cellphone purchase. It's maddening. The cellphone can wait (surely) but I need a scale. Soon. Now.

The point of this is that I know that I've at least lost a little weight. I measured myself today and I've lost two inches. The downside is that I have no idea what I lost. My workouts at home have been stalled as well. My plan has always been to workout on the treadmill as soon as I get home from work but my dad is
always around. He's been making little remarks about my work out and eating habits. He's actually been watching me in the mornings as I pack my merger meals for work. And he has the nerve to ask what is wrong with me when I refuse his company and vocally demand him away from me whenever he comes near me.

I have to stay away.

That's the conclusion that I've come up with. All my workouts will have to be done outside of my home or at least off the treadmill. It's a waste of a good treadmill. I've been using work out tapes in place of my loss. They're a godsend.

I just had a thought. I really miss pizza.

Random but true. I'll have to push something aside some time to add a few bites in some time soon. I haven't had a binge episode yet. It's making me worry. No need to encourage one though. Maybe I should stay away from pizza then.

I wish my mind would stay still.

1 comment:

  1. drink a TON of water... look at thinspo! your better than pizza. pizza sucks! :) - or at least maybe get a little pizza with a thin crust and lots of veggies to fill you up and help you digest it all.

